The Revolving Joint - Host to Many

The joint revolving around
and smoked by many.
In and out goes a story 
and there is sure to be plenty
A puff is a puff but 
the story spoken not the same.
The revolving joint 
only a small portion of the game.
For entertainment purposes 
one could find laughs and pleasure.
Just by sitting back and watching 
the whore circle pass it.
With each face giving a smile.
In comes the next with what 
seems such a deep affection
Then in comes another trying 
to call it love
If only they knew how insanely 
out of sorts they looked.
Maybe they would have 
stayed home instead and 
just watched a game.
The revolving joint 
the host to so many stories.
Tells a story of its own 
about addiction in all of it's glory
Someday they will call her whore
Someday they will motivate
another to try it out


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