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The Captain of Your Ship
Worlds away in thought
when I should be somewhere else.
So many things in question and
I'm tying to make sense of it myself.
Bewildered at best
and unsure of as to why.
How could one be so heartless,
and do nothing but tell a lie?
A shell filled with nothing
other then hate and her posse.
When did you become
so damn hateful and bossy?
Have you lost sight of
who it is you really are?
Your actions and hateful ways
will not get you very far.
Being angry and bitter is draining
to all those you surround afterall.
Play by the rules or just don't play at all.
It's not too late to change your ways
and start over fresh.
Sure, I know it might seem like
you've made your life a mess.
Who hasn't though at one time or
You are only human
just like all the others.
Who cares what they think
they aren't walking in your shoes.
Learn from what has happened
and change things if you think
that is what you need to do.
Spreading lies and hate while hiding
whose at fault or by placing blame,
will not make things better it will
only fill you with more shame.
This storm too shall pass and
the dark clouds will lift and clear.
Will you be ready?
Or will Satan and his posse
be the one you chose to steer.
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