Please Pass the Joint

Stop this madness of twisted 
words there really is no point.
Can't you see the truth for the 
truth, it's as clear as that joint.
No need for tales that are twisted 
just to shed someone with false 
We can work as one without the 
stories could you please pass the light?
Choose your words carefully and 
be precise before you choose the 
words to blurt.
Words that come out twisted will not 
gain you any followers it will only go 
on to hurt.
Toke toke pass but be careful which 
way you blow.
The smoke your exhaling might later 
be the very ending of your show.
As you inhale the stories and they 
become the intoxicating fumes you 
choose to breathe,
make sure to get off when youcough 
and blow out nothing but truth when 
that smokes comes out to leave.

©My Acrimony 


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