The Arrogant Prick

Frustration brought about 
in stressful situations.
Emotions running rampant 
bringing out the worst 
of that frustration.
Damaged caused by another 
causes one to see that frustration 
as if it's turning into a ticking time bomb.
The one on the receiving end 
now running because you 
appear like a angry rabid wolf 
whose not at all calm.
Unaware or not that rabid wolf 
now causes the bunny 
to run in fear.
The words were not at all 
like you think they would hear.
That bunny fears an attack 
by the hungry wolf whose 
full of frustration.
All that fear originating 
from a prior wolf that 
caused the bunny harm 
in a previous situation.
It would not have mattered 
if the wolf had just eaten 
and now just suffered from gas.
The only thing the bunny knows 
is what another wolf prior 
had unleashed on them 
in the past.
Treading on unsafe waters now fearing 
that frustrated wolf is coming to feast.
When in fact it was just simple frustration they say at the very least.
Frustration causing a bunch
of negative emotions that were
caused from for lack of better words an arrogant prick.
Who couldn't stop and rethink his choice of words and just quit being a dick.

@The Arrogant Prick


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