So unsettled this is,
Trapped in our minds
and steal our joy?
Emptiness in your heart
which never fills?
This continuous search,
Drives you but does not know where
And what are you looking for?
You made all the choices you wanted,
What are you still missing?
Are you thirsty for anything?
Darkness  around you,
weighing the shoulders and mind?.
Look around,
 What's your achievements?
How many people love you?
How many of them hold you in the heart,
Sacred place of those loved
Still feeling lonely and sad?
Remember that I'm still here,
out-stretched hands, open heart
Welcome you in my warmth
Listen to the whisper of my voice,
that did not forget to pronounce
your name, not for a moment.
At your knock and call,
I am able to restore your lost joy,
and still, sweeten your lips with my honey
And if..... 

All Pictures ©Monlynee


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