I got these pills for exam period

but not from an illegal dealer

i got them from the pharmacy 

with the liquor shop next door. 

They're really very nice 

and I take them all the time 

and even when it's raining 

i say the weather's fine. 

They're very cost effective 

about five hundreds a week 

and for all the good they do for me 

they're really very cheap. 

I have to say I'm nervous 

each time i get a scrip 

i whisper what i'm buying 

they often have to read my lips. 

You see i suffer from depression 

and i'm scared if people know 

they think i'm all peculiar 

and say 'sorry gotta go'.

It's quite lonely being lonely 

it's lonely by myself 

it's lonely being a victim 

of imperfect mental health


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