Death Came Easy

Death came so easy

So easy to watch them smile 

while watching them growing up 

Discovering life,

 making their way

Becoming what they will be

Making us laugh  glee and joy

treasures they gathered just so

memories days they smiled 

meanings lost behind unspoken words 

Seemed normal like any other day

A pat on the head

A kiss on the cheek

who remembers words we said

parting and living our lives

busyness of business fill the hours

Just humming along passing so fast

While they hiding and cowering 

in clenches of fear pure terror

Death came visiting 

the halls and danced

amid pleas for mercy and forgiveness 

but death knows nothing

But the harvest.

walking with purpose,

he chooses his prize

nothing can be done 

but to mourn and cry

remember smiles the good times

living with regret and sorrow, 

embracing pain

counting the tears that never stop falling


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