Rejection or self denial
Character and principles
It's a society with no goal
How do you relate with it
Are you rejected or denying yourself
Or maybe you reject the most
Either ways it's still works
You always lose the little you got
Their is no winner in this, only loser

Poor judgement or stubbornness
Or maybe just meanness and pride
Maybe you are so stubborn to accept facts
Or you can't judge right or wrong
Or you are so stubborn that you right is the right
and the left is the wrong
That makes to you mean, it's all about yourself

Ego is on its on
No one even gets how to put it
We all have it on our levels.
We all have it in different shapes
Some always at work others rare to show
WHAT about you?
How high is it?  Often?
What has ego made you?
Is it under your control or you are under it's??

Or maybe it's just a art
An art that real hurts
Everyone once heart it place
You only pick what you need
Like in a mall,  just check
The prices of the others
Maybe one day you will like it
Or it would be a regret of once upon.


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