The street is a Thief
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Title: The street is a Thief
Deny me
That's a thing
They did
Took away my rights
Everything I worked for
All my life
All of it
What about my achievements
Took all the credit
Sold it out
Not in a Mall
On a public auction
Just by the street
Outside my house
I don't cry the sale
I won't cry the price
After calling me liar
Branded a loser
All of it was worthless
Not for sale
But again
They did it
A rape sale
Without any honor
Just shoved it over
Out to anyone
Buy one get two free
How does that feel
You may call it luck
That's for you looses
Who never have worth
On something you own
That still didn't break me
Till I took a list
Bought a list
A list of buyers
The poor people
Who couldn't work
But buy credit
Maybe I am the looser
I am the real looser
I lost it all
Not to anyone
But the worst person
Those creepy guy
Who always attacked us
Every night when we were late
Stole our cash
Phones and bags
They left us naked
Shoved our clothes
Into the sewage
So that we could go
After them as the run scared
Into there ugly homes
That they never built
Not even home
Maybe a shelter
With no roof on it
Just a polythene
That protected them
From one harmless thing
Rain drops
I really hate them
Those street gangs
Those ugly guys
With shapeless Tattoos
And brown teeth
Rich of theft money
But never buy clothes
Not even food
I hate it
That they have my credits
They stole my money
Never even used it for any good
Stole my clean clothes
Instead of wearing them
Shove them into the sewage
Now they have my credit
Rape bought them
What now?
What shall they use it for?
Deny me
That's a thing
They did
Took away my rights
Everything I worked for
All my life
All of it
What about my achievements
Took all the credit
Sold it out
Not in a Mall
On a public auction
Just by the street
Outside my house
I don't cry the sale
I won't cry the price
After calling me liar
Branded a loser
All of it was worthless
Not for sale
But again
They did it
A rape sale
Without any honor
Just shoved it over
Out to anyone
Buy one get two free
How does that feel
You may call it luck
That's for you looses
Who never have worth
On something you own
That still didn't break me
Till I took a list
Bought a list
A list of buyers
The poor people
Who couldn't work
But buy credit
Maybe I am the looser
I am the real looser
I lost it all
Not to anyone
But the worst person
Those creepy guy
Who always attacked us
Every night when we were late
Stole our cash
Phones and bags
They left us naked
Shoved our clothes
Into the sewage
So that we could go
After them as the run scared
Into there ugly homes
That they never built
Not even home
Maybe a shelter
With no roof on it
Just a polythene
That protected them
From one harmless thing
Rain drops
I really hate them
Those street gangs
Those ugly guys
With shapeless Tattoos
And brown teeth
Rich of theft money
But never buy clothes
Not even food
I hate it
That they have my credits
They stole my money
Never even used it for any good
Stole my clean clothes
Instead of wearing them
Shove them into the sewage
Now they have my credit
Rape bought them
What now?
What shall they use it for?
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